15 October 2024

Full Hunter Moon Tarot by Zodiac

 Full Hunter Moon 2024

Tarot by Sun Sign


9 of Cups

As you can see on the card this a card of completion, it has not been easy to get to this moment but the moment is finally here. This card speaks to completion, in the material world, finances, luck, love, there is a level of completion that allows you to feel fulfilled, it is a good time to make a wish as it stands a good chance of being granted in the energy of this card. 


8 of Cups

You have come to a point where you find it hard to accept that sometimes no matter how hard you try it just will not work. There is sadness in this but yet it would be so much worse to prolong it....for you and your heart...sometimes a clean break is the best. Remember in every experience, whether it be joy or pain, there is knowledge to be gained, so take the time to learn your own truths instead of locking it away.


The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man has so many possible meanings, first let us look at how he is hanging, of his own will, there is only one foot that is bound the other is simply tucked in, implying that if he should want to get out of this situation he can, but yet he doesn't he remains suspended there just watching, to me he has always reminded me of the bats. Are you waiting to see what there is next to come, remaining suspended there will allow better options to appear. Are you suspended between the past and the future? is there something that you need to surrender to in order to let it go and move forward? these are all things to consider when you receive the Hanged Man, sometimes the way through is to surrender to the experience as he does hanging there.You have gone as far as you can go while holding onto all that you came from and all that was, now you must release so that you can move forward or face remaining suspended without movement longer than you want to.


The Tower

What a card to pull, What a card to pull, it is a card that instantly makes you fear what is ahead. Stop, don't fear! the Tower comes to show, to warn you that there is upheaval coming, there is change, deep and unexpected change coming into your life. It can mean you have become comfortable and it will show you whether you want it to or not where things must change. Order can be achieved through what appears to be chaos, with destruction there is ultimately creation of the new....this is not an experience that you can evade, but you can prepare for it....sit with this card, see where things may not be as solid as they should be, where the foundations are shaky and should be torn down and then prepare yourself for the sometimes humbling but necessary experience of the Tower, and adjust especially what may be your own ego that needs clearing out.


Page of Pentacles 

The message is to dedicate some hard work to learn your craft. Whatever it may be, it requires time, effort and the ability to absorb and transmute the teachings and energies around you, it signifies that you are growing on your path. If and when you feel overwhelmed simply ask for help and it will appear.


Ace of Pentacles  

This Ace speaks to a more financial aspect rather than the others. While this card is about beginnings it is a beginning of a more positive financial situation. A time where more opportunities will be available, it can also speak of wealth, a windfall or a gift of some sort either by your own creation by initiating what you have been dreaming or by the sudden appearance of a helping hand. This card also shows the energy of the Law of Abundance, send out positive thoughts of prosperity and watch it materialize, believe you deserve this and it comes......make sure to welcome the energy of this card into your life.


The Hierophant 

This card pulls you to spend time connecting and meditating with your own inner compass and spirituality. A connection to your own feeling of faith (whatever that looks like to you), connection and your very own structure. This card is not to say that there are not teachers and elders for you to learn from but these people and the decision to seek them should come through your own steps, decisions and actions. Faith is about you believing in you and your own path, first and foremost. 


6 of Cups

Memories, old relationships, add in even more memories...there is a time where this kind of energy is helpful to the healing you seek, it fills your heart, and the resulting glow warms parts of you long forgotten. This is that time, your challenge is to let the energy flow but not let the rosy colored memories overcome and overshadow the process and pull you back. Keep moving forward, what is meant for you will be there. 


6 of Pentacles

This card speaks to the possibility of coming financial abundance, generosity and/or the ability to provide warmth or comfort to those in need, or receive it from others. There is a mutual exchange of energy between you and everyone, and everything you touch right now….that enriches all parties and opens doors to growth and future journeys. 


The Sun

This card shows us that light, healing, order and reason are now what is in our lives, the image is a play on Apollo who was associated with the Sun in later Greek Myths, as he sits and juggles the planets of the universe along with 2 Moons. He is ready, capable and able to do all this because he has integrated the parts of himself, he has worked hard to get to this moment, this space in time where all his unconscious and conscious motivations, thoughts and feelings have meshed, come together and now he is prepared to take on the world. Have you also worked hard to get to this moment? are you looking to see where it will all go now, if you have taken the right direction? this card suggests that you have indeed chosen the right path, remember to never forget how hard the struggle was to get here but also remember to enjoy the fruits and strength of all you have worked to accomplish. 


The Magician 

The card of creation, the power of creativity and magic surround you, everything that you dream and wish for your life path right now are within your reach and within your ability to manifest. You are the Magician in your life and can create that which you most desire and dream of. This card can also suggest that if it has not been presented to you yet shortly there will be a situation presented to you that brings with it all the components necessary to manifest the life you dream of, pay attention and continue to work your own magic and believe in you! Remember YOU are your own most powerful magician!


2 of Wands 

What you had imagined in a professional sense is coming true, you look around you and see that foundations are being laid, plans are being made and dreams are coming to fruition. Yet you feel a burning need to explore. This card is a reminder to temper that with a healthy dose of reality, generosity of spirit. It's great to look towards the future but do forget how hard you worked to get here. Also watch for pride and arrogance, as you continue to grow and eradicate it, it is a friend to no one.

©️Tess Muin-Bruneau

   Witch's Chamber 


16 September 2024

Full Harvest Supermoon Eclipse Tarot by Sun Sign

Full Harvest SuperMoon Eclipse
Tarot by Sun Sign

Four of Wands
This is a time for you to sit and enjoy all you have worked for. Breathe it in, soak it up and allow yourself to enjoy this stage of your life. For every moment you allow yourself to feel this, more will naturally flow.

7 of Swords
This is a card that comes with the warning to be aware, someone is trying to possibly take something that is yours. Put up your wards! Now this could be something tangible or simply taking credit for something you rightly deserve it for. Be alert, be aware and you will be able to thwart it, even if you never truly find it. Sometimes just our own energy being vigilant can be enough to ward off those that don't have the best intentions. 

Queen of Cups
She lives in the deepest part of your heart, she sorts through and makes sense of the emotions that flow through there and her message to you is clear....Ride your wave, forget about the plans, the rational logical thoughts that get in the way, live with your heart instead of your head, let that wave take you where you were meant to be and allow the Queen of Cups along the way to help you sort through and remove the stigma of those icky feelings you keep locked up inside, she will help you to not fear them, but embrace who you are. 

5 of Wands
You have a struggle ahead, it's not something you weren't aware of....in fact you have already been pushing through it, just now it seems like it is bigger, more prominent and others are noticing how hard you work to push through every obstacle....and you just want to tell them, this is not new, I stand, I never give up.....keep showing your courage. 

Queen of Swords
The strongest and most weathered of the Queen's she epitomizes strength and beauty as you can see the butterflies know her real energy. Be observant, move with purpose and keep your emotions out of it. This Queen's greatest battle strength is knowing when to put on her Armour and when to take it off.

8 of Wands 
This is a time of expansion and going forth, moving on and doing it well and truly happily. There is so much you want to accomplish, you almost feel like you are running through time as events, days and even months fly by. This card is a positive indication that there is a tremendous amount of forward momentum supporting the changes coming your way, you may already be experiencing it? Listen and feel the subtle clues from the ravens, they will guide you and teach you the most important part, timing.

On this card there is a woman and a tiger, some might think the tiger is the stronger of the two, when in reality for a woman to be able to stand together with a tiger she must be an exceptional woman. She is able to dictate to the tiger by using her mind, showing love and by empathizes and understanding that there is always a place and a time to allow the tiger to reign, claws razoring......the true strength in life comes in knowing when to be the lady and when to be tiger, but remember both are always within you.

2 of Wands 
The time has come for you to stand back and evaluate just how far you have come. This Full Harvest Moon has created an energy of gratitude, even a bit of melancholy as you look back and realize just how much has truly changed for you in the last year, cry your tears, raise your glass, toast yourself and your Gods. There you are standing tall, living....remember to breathe and keep going. 

The Emperor 
While this card can mean the father figure, the patriarch and the protector it can also hold other meanings that are not tied to one individual, there is also the meaning of structure and stability, the ability to create order by applying rules, organization and a plan. The Emperor is very meticulous and will look at all possible avenues and through careful consideration will choose the right one. This card speaks more to the rational and logical mind than the intuition, even though we spend a lot of time learning to listen to our intuition, when the Emperor cards comes calling it tells us that we need now to take a practical approach, even set our own boundaries when dealing with others, stick to them, follow the plan and the path. The Emperor calls on the logistical powers of your mind. 

Queen of Pentacles 
She comes to help release the trauma, pain and frustrations you have had lately. She asks you to simply ask her to lift these things from you and fill you with healing and restorative energy. The reason you need to ask is so that you are taking an active role in your own self care, it is so important that you remember to honor yourself as much as you honor others, there can be no glow when your flame is out. 

7 of Wands 
You will feel the pull to just let things ride, just not rock the boat, while this is a good way to be at times be sure that you are not giving in/up your free will, your values or morals in doing so. Be true to your heart, and you will never go wrong. Remember that stating your boundaries clearly with love is always the best way to go, that way there can be no mistake where you stand.

5 of Cups 
Things have just not gone as you had hoped, this is felt sharply within you. The loss you feel is real and deep, but not all is gone, although you haven't noticed what's left. All is not lost, it is simply different, you will adjust, and you have made it through every bad day, this will be no different. 

©️Tess Muin-Bruneau 
      Witch's Chamber 

13 February 2022

Anniversaries, Surviving and Saints

Good Morning Witches! 

It is the eve of my anniversary with my old guy. It was many years ago, a lifetime now that he walked into my life. A great big ball of angry, betrayed and slightly broken from the chunks life and relationships had taken out of him, and I was in truly no better shape. We spent time together, mainly out of necessity at first, I worked there, it was his local....it blossomed into a friendship and late into the nights that I stood behind that bar we chatted about everything we had lived and all we still wanted from life....it grew quietly at first, I don't think either of us really noticed. One day it just roared, it was Valentine's day and when he asked the same question he had asked me before  "are you ready?" I still chuckle now at the look on his face when I said yes, lol. 

No rose colored glasses here, it took work, tears, smiles, heartbreak and mountains of love but we healed ourselves and each other. 

Maybe it's the scales in me but I remember the past when I celebrate the present. This lifetime is built on the rubble of the first, I am a survivor of domestic violence. For those that have, or are living it, know;

It won't be easy

They are lying to you

I understand 

I am here

Use your voice or keyboard, reach out for help safely, any way you can 

You CAN do this 

You can and will survive and thrive

You will find your way

For me, we aren't going out, just a quiet dinner with the kids then at midnight, I am preparing witch's bottles. These are special ones in honor of St. Rita, the patron Saint of those in difficult, abusive relationships and marriages. I have been collecting the ingredients for a lifetime or two. 

Yes, don't get your pants in a bunch, I am a pagan witch working with a Saint, it happens more than you think. The freedom of being a witch means, I have the freedom to choose how. 

Blessings Witches, sending crooked smiles and buckets of love. 


20 March 2021

As the Wheel Turns Magic Grows

As the wheel turns once again, as this new day dawns it will be Spring, a time I look forward to every year....the Sun starts to warm up, and even on the last day of winter (yesterday) I put my first load of clothes out on the line....of course my black and white cosmic star dresses were out there, blowing in the warm wind while the snow lay melting on the grass below them. It was such a wonderful moment putting on a clean dress that smelled of the outdoors.....it was symbolic to me to wash away the dust of the Winter, and start Spring in the freshest of nightdresses. 

My mind is racing these days, not thinking but planning....oh so many dreams, now with the shop going I am constantly thinking of ways to bring everything a witch needs into it while still working within my limits, thankfully being a Libra I am good at the scales but the balancing act of possibilities and realities is quite the feat, makes me look like I am doing a cha-cha with two uneven broken heels, with some weaving and bobbing for good measure. No one ever said this was going to be easy, but definitely it will be worth it.....all this struggle, it will be worth it.....all this clawing up that steep hill will work.....I only have so much time.....ok, breathe and carry on....believe in my own magic.

There are moment in our lives that we know are crossroads, moments where what we do we know will reverberate through our whole entire lives not that every moment doesn't do that to a certain extent, but crossroads are different, they are massive moments that most times come disguised in the smallest packages....for me it was the offer of a job, one that she could not afford to pay me for....it was just a space in a tiny little room at the back of her store, and if I had a reading I paid her 1/4 of my fee for the space.....it was a leaping point, just like the Fool in the Tarot I was ready to take that leap, and I did....that was 30 years ago now.....long before you could find a tarot reader everywhere....we were few and far between in those days....and there I was jumping right in....I believed in magic then, but then I thought it was something that was separate from me, an energy I had to honour or serve, the concept that it lived within me was something so foreign for me...but this is what happens when you have the life I did....magic saved my life, being me, openly, unashamedly me saved my life and my soul.....and now here I find myself again, putting myself out there, facing the haters, the naysayers and the downright vile comments at times, and messages....but still I do it....if flatlining didn't stop me, then some internet trolls won't either, they are simply tiresome at times....but I have a dream, a plan and magic....so I rise. 

Anointing oils are coming to the shop, handmade incense sticks....books! oh so many books! tarot decks! and a whole line of candles.....magical tools for magical witches.....my dream, make sure that every witch finds their magic, and transforms their life by believing in that magic and knowing that it lives in them! It is them.

And the wheel has turned.....do you feel the magic? I hope you do, I hope you let it rise and fill your veins, rise up and let it flow through your life.....magic never disappoints...it is a part of you.

Back to tarot decks, dreams and plans....

May this Spring wash away all that no longer serves, while ushering in new fresh beginnings filled with joy, peace, healing and abundance for us all.



20 February 2021

New Beginnings, Mercury Rx and Never giving up

 My candle is slowly flickering, dying and the smell of wax fills the air here, a smell every witch knows, the petition is done, the flame is oscillating between a large,bright beacon and the little itty bitty, is it lit stage. I sit and gaze at the flame, it fights for one more moment of glory, fighting for life, for air.

The glow is warm, softening the edges of a life that has had many hard knocks.....age creeps up.....the eyes, although still intense, have a knowing glint that is hard to ignore....they have seen some crazy shit.....but now the lines, they are getting deeper around them, the track of the tears is now clearly marked by the Gods, in the age spots in the shape of a tear on my face.....there is no turning back the years, but really I wouldn't want to......I hear often that I am so strong....I don't really know if that is true, if it is being strong, or really just obstinate....refusal to give up runs in my blood, but that isn't strength for me...that is responsibility and love....I do what I do, I work the way I do and I never give up, because of love.

This has been a strange week for me, starting with our 25th anniversary, sadly my health didn't co-operate, the realities of disability make conventional celebrating impossible at times....so there was tea, our bed and snuggles....this retrograde has been difficult, stressful and even at times terrifying as our little shop went online....I know right? What was I thinking going live as Mercury was going retrograde.....well, if this was the first incarnation of my standalone site then yep, I would have rocks in my head....but nope this has to be the 6th or 7th incarnation of Witch's Chamber, this time it works! It was a heartbreaking process for me in the past, even going so far once of paying someone - with money I so couldn't spare- only to have them ignore it until it had been 3 months and I ended the agony....now two years later here we are....there were many tears, anxiety bouts that were crippling at times, and a whole lot of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul to get it all to where it is today with stock, getting over the hurdle of admitting to myself that no I just cannot craft enough to support us, that was hard....but I didn't quit, I shook myself off, stood up and kept going and thankfully the gentleman I worked with was calm, understanding....and for once I used my voice calmly to admit that I could do no more at times, I needed time to let my brain catch up, for my own mental health....another thing this Mercury retrograde has given me, the truth of my mental health with its limitations without guilt or shame....now finally, it's done! The direction I took was no easy choice, there was much soul searching and honesty necessary, with myself....but I am happy with it.

The crackle of the flame is like a jolt, shaking out the cobwebs my libra brain likes to get caught in....someone told me as a child, you know those backdoor places....where the "curandera" lives....my dad took me....I never forget, she told me there was a bright light around me and that I just needed to keep going forward....it would be hard, but I was made strong.....at the time, I was happy about this...I was a child, now I know why my dad cried on the way home.

The flame has lost its battle, the altar is dark....for the moment....just like that altar it may dim for a moment, but there is always a spark to light a new candle...a new dream....hope

Blessings all


14 September 2020

As My Wheel Turns

 As I lay here tonight there's no sleep to be had no matter what I do it just won't come. This year has been so difficult for so many of us but yet we all carry on, but really what else are we supposed to do? Giving up is something I've never done, no matter how hard it is, my feet just keep moving forward on the road below me, even though I can't see it....my heart knows it's there.....with each step it materializes underneath me....or so I hope.

I imagine life back when I was a child, I never really thought it would be this way....but which of us really imagined life in a realistic way as a teenager? When young you think there is so much time to grow, learn and experience life....as each year passes you think there is an abundance of time to catch up to your dreams.....the years though, they fly by and before you realize a half century has passed....the kids have grown, some still love you and others, well, you are everything they love to hate....a sometimes unavoidable consequence of having children with people who end up being abusive and hateful themselves.....if only there were do-overs for the choices of our youth....of course that is not possible.

I find myself here as my 52nd birthday approaches...it's been an interesting life so far...there has been joy, happiness and much heartache.... A life filled with abuse, domestic violence, and things that can never be forgotten. So many years you would think that it would be easy to forget, but it isn't. In reality every moment of our Lives shapes every coming moment of our Lives... So while we may not carry the anger, the regret or the pain any longer, we will forever carry the experience.....in every cell of our being, the memory resides and when you're really lucky-insert sarcasm- the wonderful PTSD will remind you, over and over again.

Of course this is not to say that I have not had a good life, I have...I've had so much joy, I've had so much love. After my first incarnation in marriage, I swore I'd never do it again. I was convinced that there was no way that I was going to live under the thumb of any other man. What had started with so much love had ended so brutally that I was nowhere near thinking that there was ever going to be a way to find happiness with another man, hell with anybody man, woman didn't matter I was just done. Now as I lay next to my old guy I realize that if there was one thing I could change, it would be to go back to when I was 15 and to walk away from the first one. I would have waited to meet him, but but no matter how much I wish it's not a possibility...even after almost 24 yrs, I want more time, endless time with him...if I could turn back the clock, and relive the life that I wish I had done with him, I would...Oh how the choices would have been different..... It's funny I always think that I've let go of all of this, then this time of year comes...it starts to get cold, the leaves start to change...The familiar chill comes in the air and I know that it's not going to be long and my wheel of the year will turn... Maybe it's just the getting older, maybe it's the hindsight, I may never really know what it is but this time of year brings about the melancholy... 

The feeling that there's there has to be more than this, there has to be more than the struggle...the struggle to be heard, to be seen, to be acknowledged...somehow when you're young you just think this shit will be all worked out by the time you're old.....then you get older and realize that age has nothing to do with having all your shit together... But maybe it's never really about having your shit together and it's more just about walking on, not giving up...Maybe it's just about trying to do better today than you did yesterday...

52, wow, there are more years behind me than there are ahead of me now...there are still so many things I don't know, and no matter how I try to convince myself there will be always things that I regret... But there are some things that I do know...I fought hard to break free...I scraped and clawed my way to me, and I like me...my babies, the best parts of my life, amazing humans that I love to the end of the galaxy and beyond, just for them it was all worth it....and call me stupid but I still believe that one day I won't struggle anymore...I will find the peace I so truly desire, birthing my art, crafting magic and making love to each day....then I realize I already have this now....just need to remember to tune out the noise.....haters gonna hate, no matter what I do, I will just need to remember to turn up the music more.

These are the musings that keep me up tonite, September, the turning of my wheel.....

03 October 2019

Descent, Shame and letting go

In the last few months as my birthday approached as I have in other years I felt a strong need to reflect on all that I have lived and experienced....as usual it led to deeper realizations, as I know that each trip around the Sun brings new truths from old hurts and wounds I was expecting this...what I wasn't expecting was for it to reach into my heart and make me feel it all again!

Maybe its the writing; I told myself as I continued to work on book 2, maybe its the reliving of every moment of blood on my lips....or the countless containers of concealer that I used to keep on my dresser that are no longer there, now replaced with Yemaya's altar.....maybe its the bruises that never healed...the ones seared on my heart. Whatever it was this birthday, was a hard one....I had expected last year to be this but it wasn't, it should have been being that it was my 50th, but instead this one dropped me to the floor.....part of me wants to write this uplifting part right here, that says I found my perspective and rose above it all, but truth is I didn't....rather I found that while there is no anger anymore, while there is no regret left....there is a sadness that so many years were wasted in pursuit of a life that was never meant to be mine and all that remains of it is shame.....because that is what girl's like me get as their take away prize from abusive marriages...shame and blame.

I was the girl that got married at barely 17, no I wasn't pregnant...I was searching for love, for autonomy...for freedom from the oppressive reality of living within an immigrant family in the 70's in downtown Toronto....I went from under the thumb of my parents to under the thumb of a husband that while I loved him, knew nothing about how to love me back without anger, abuse and possession. I was a child playing adult games, there was no way I was going to make it through that unscathed. I was already bringing my own scars to this dance....baring them to what I thought was a man that would stand by me till the end of our lives....pretty naive of me, and doomed to failure....I was wrong then, and for years after that day I continued to be wrong, to give up on me, to care more about the superficial parts of life....my hair, my clothes, my nails....I shake my head now and wonder who that girl was....how were my priorities so different than today?

It is as if I have lived two lives all this time....two distinct incantations....each with its own merits and disappointments......I look back and I don't even recognize that girl....even though I still live with many of her original aggressors and issues, who I was is not who I am now.....whether that makes much of a difference or not to so many that still live within those boundaries set long ago, the truth is the truth.....we either grow and move forward or we stay stagnant.....for me it is obvious what I chose; it brought all the opposition for me, and the ugliness I have fought back from; while archaic in a cultural sense to most, it has been a very real presence in my life......victim blaming is a real thing! Just smile and everyone will love you, just hide the bruise and everyone will love you.....just pretend it didn't happen....he is sorry so you should forgive him.....it is your duty to stay married to him.....fuck that noise.....yep fuck that.

My name is Tess, I am 51. I am a domestic assault and sexual assault survivor. I have issues with CPTSD, Lyme Disease and a whole host of other things that fall under that heading. I still am shamed almost on a daily basis and victim blamed, even though it gets me down at times I keep going. You can too. It won't be easy...people will disappoint you, it is the nature of the beast...some days it will feel like trudging through quicksand wearing fireman's boots that are ten sizes too big....I won't lie to you and tell you that its all roses and unicorns, it is not....there are years of healing ahead of you, you will feel alone at times...you will feel lonely, which is totally different than feeling alone....and yes you will feel like giving up...don't.....Don't....DON'T!

Stop living for the big things and start to take pleasure in the little ones....the moments of the Sun rising and seeing the dew glistening on the grass....the butterfly that flits through your life and the quiet and realizing you don't have to look behind you anymore and wonder what is next. Like me there are so many more survivors out there, there is not one part of me that feels that experiencing this life makes me somehow more deserving of good things, I just believe that we all deserve good things.....I have a dream of a day where I don't need to worry anymore, that I can finally breathe and see that all our needs; physical,emotional and financial are all taken care of, that I managed to support my family in spite of my emotional and physical disabilities. Someday it will come, I am sure of it.

Every year as Descent approaches with the darker half of the year, I plan what I will take with me down into Cerridwen's Cauldron...this year it is the shame; for marrying him....for making the wrong choices....for not leaving sooner....for not being the mother that I should have been....for not loving myself enough to know I deserved better.....the sadness of feeling that I wasted so many years of my life hoping against hope that tomorrow would be different....knowing full well that the only way it would be different is if I CHANGED it...not him....Me....the past dies a little more each day as I reclaim another part of me that has been in hiding.....25 years later and I still work through it, so be gentle with yourself, it takes the time it takes....remember the way through is not straight but actually a spiral and we keep going back to the center as we experience things through different eyes each time.....like me on my 51st birthday, facing my oppressors and seeing it from the inside all over again....it happens.....now into the cauldron I go...shed the skins I no longer need....and come out a stronger version of me.

May peace, stability, love and abundance find us all.