30 July 2017

You Asked the Witch - Where to Start

Welcome to the "You Asked the Witch" feature of my blog! I did receive quite a few questions, many of which I will be going through and answering as the energy calls, but the one that came up over and over is how do I start? I have decided to walk the path of Witch, or like it happens quite often to Witches you found yourself pulled onto this path so now what do I do that I have come to this point? how do I start? For this one I bring a portion of the book I have been working on for a lifetime now "The Cracked Cauldron"

The beginning requires cleansing, much cleansing of all you thought, every preconceived thought and notion about who you are, what you are and about the ego you must leave at the door to your own transformation, ego binds you and limits your magic. Hard as it may be, it must be done a through and complete cleansing of your space, your heart and your spirit. Drop the notion that you know what the next step is, truth is you don't! Put your faith in the Gods if you follow them, your Ancestors and your magic.

Spell to Clear and Cleanse
Start with a traditional White Sage smudging of your space; preferrably sage that you grew and wrapped into a smudge stick yourself but if that is not possible then of course one that is purchased can be used, but remember the magic is very dependant on your own intentions and conviction in what you are doing, so if you want to put a little more effort in you can also purchase fresh sage at a local grocery store and make your own smudge stick for this exercise and spellwork. As well pay close attention to the Moon at this time, to start something fresh like this and begin again, make sure the Moon is in the New Moon station.

Incantation as you smduge your home
Smoke of Sage
Breath of life, cleanse, clear
and make it right

Say this in each room as your cleanse each corner with blessed smoke of Sage.
Run yourself a bath, a very special bath for cleansing, I chose a selection of herbs that I felt gave me the qualities I wanted to bring into my life and topped it off with copious amounts of sea salt, to bring the love of the ocean and Yemaya into my life. In my bath there was basil, white and red rose petals, 3 sprigs of Ruda, 3 sprigs of Cedar and sea salt. If you feel a connection with other herbs or want to pick some for your own reasons  please do so, much of magic is intuitive or at least mine and that is how I feel it should be for us all.

Stand in your bath with a bowl and scoop the water and pour over your head, wash downwards, as you do imagine all the connections, all the things that need to be cleansed away washing down your body and leaving you, do this 9 times each time reciting the incantation;
As I wash it all away
my fears, my ego and strife
I ask to bring in the light
let me see which way to go and end
this to and fro
Set me free
As I so speak so Mote it be

Next prepare a floor wash to finish your cleanse and clear with the same selection of herbs and sea salt that was placed into your ritual bath. To prepare your home take your broom and begin in the furthest room from your home's front door, I started at my back door and swept out each room into the hallway and all the way to the front door, opened it and swept it all out the door. Then wash with the floor wash in the same direction and manner as the sweeping. 

Now all that done you are ready to start over, with your magical life, clean slate and all. You may have to do this again or a variation of this, that is the way of the witch, wards and cleansings are done and recharged through our walk....we are always proactive in our own protection and while this is cleansing it is the first step to protection, and the discussion of that subject will be left for another "You asked the Witch"

Blessings all have a great day! 

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