13 August 2017

You Asked the Witch ~ Protection

Magical Protection

There is much talk in our community about what is considered to be protection and what borders on darker magics, truth be told for me it is a very clear subject, you do what you have to do to protect yourself, your family and your circle which in many cases are one and the same. There is no color to magic for me, I am not a “White” Witch I am simply a Witch, the type of magic that is needed is wholly dependent on the situation, and yes I will and have set protection boundaries, afterall if someone is sending me destruction and negative magic then by all means I will send it back with my own oomph added. All that being said there are many ways that we can be very proactive in protecting our spaces and homes and I hope after reading through this and applying the methods to your own space that you will feel that circle around you as strongly as I do. Remember doing these things does not mean that nothing will ever happen that you consider unpleasant, reality is that shit will always happen but being better prepared and having that circle of protection around you means that either there will be no impact to you as it rebounds or the impact will be minimized through your own proactive magics.

There are many ways to do provide protection for your home and I will discuss some of them here but one of the first things that I do at any new home that I move into is consecrate my space, not just the internal one but the entire property. As well there is wards that can be put up, mirror pieces to reflect out, railway spikes facing up in flower pots by the doors, spells and floor washes are always great ways to create protective circles. In the next few paragraphs I will share one protective circle for your property and one for your person, I will touch lightly on floor washes but I am leaving recipes and herbal for another blog.

For this first exercise and ritual you will need; Dragon's Blood Incense & Sea Salt. If you prefer other protective energy incense you can feel free to use it but I have found in my own personal practice that Dragon's Blood is the most effective.

Protection Exercise

                             Dragon's Blood Incense Sticks
                             Sea Salt                                                                
                             Fill a jar with Sea Salt and light your incense inside your front door
                             walk to the central entrance to your property this might be the end                                  of your driveway or walkway, in the air use your incense to draw a                                Pentacle of Protection chanting;

Here no harm shall pass
Protect my home and all within
Through this border of smoke, salt and sting of ash
no harm shall pass

                             Now take your salt and burning incense and begin your circle where                              you stand at the entrance and walk clockwise around the border of                              your property, stopping at each corner of the property and drawing                                 another Pentacle in the air, all the while making sure your salt circle
                             is continued and your incense keeps burning, of course depending on
                             the size of your property you many need to carry more with you.
                             When you have come to the same spot you started then draw your
                             last pentacle, by doing this you seal your protective circle.

This method is quite effective as it provides a very strong energetic circle around you, your family and all that is within your boundaries, I have also found with this circle that many of those that do not necessarily come with the right intentions tend to stop appearing at my door. I also tend to re-energize this circle on the change of the seasons to keep it always at its optimum level.

If you should feel that this method requires some extra oomph to it, you can pack quite the magical punch by adding a bit of mirror magic to your ritual, take small pieces of mirror and place them all the corners of the property, they do not need to be seen they simply need to be there in order to reflect to others what they send to you.

To keep a feeling of well being within your home a satchel of basil hung over the door helps to keep energy clear and feelings of peace within. I also have hung sprigs of rosemary over exterior doors to utilitize her amazing energies of protection.

The truth about protection is this, you can never have too much magical protection! We deal and live in a world where many dabble in these arts, not truly sure of what they are doing, and many times not aware of the harm they send out, and others well they intentionally will send it to you. There is no sure fire way to stop them, there is no way to ever take for granted that what you have done is enough, within magic there should always be vigilance to make sure you are consistently refreshing the circles and protective magics you have employed, no need to be neurotic about it but consistent yes.

Floor washes are also a great way to cleanse the energies that are literally brought in each day on you and your family, these I do once a month, my choice of ingredients is always chosen based on the past month and what I felt was needing to be cleaned out. I might choose to do one with Sea Water, or simply with Sea Salt and Water, normally I will throw basil in simply for its cleansing and negativity removing properties, lavender although a wonderful plant for this is not one that is welcomed very highly in my home, in my garden yes and always within my witch's cupboard for my own spellwork but unfortunately one of my family members has a very unhappy reaction to it's scent so I have found ways around it.

Now of course we cannot always simply stay at home and never venture off our own properties so we must cloak ourselves in these energies as well one of the most effective ways I have ever found is to practice good old fashioned mirror magic, literally mirror magic around yourself. This is a very simple and useful spell, after you ground and center simply craft this little spell and then carry on with your day knowing that you are fully protected.

Mirror Protective Spell

                   You require nothing but yourself and creative visualization for this spell.
                   Imagine a mirror coming up around your entire body, reflecting outwards
                   and away from you and chant this 3x.

In this moment I wish to you
exactly what you wish to me
As you wish it so it shall come
As I speak it, so it shall be

            This is simple, clear and effective and leaves the responsibility for the
                   energy where it belongs ~ with the sender.  Do not feel sorry or bad for
                   the consequences of their energy, it is all theirs, and in truth they felt no
                   qualms in sending it your way.

Protection magic is something that every witch worth her salt should invest much time and effort in learning. There are many ways and tools that can be used in order to create your safe space and many of them are a question of your path and which way you feel pulled to go.

As always witches I hope you enjoyed this weeks "You Asked the Witch", see you next Sun Day! 

06 August 2017

You Asked the Witch ~ Dreams

This week has been filled with questions about Dreams, how to interpret, what do they mean, are they literal or symbolic, there have actually been quite a few questions this week about one of my favorite tools.....dreams.

Dreams come to each of us, some of us remember them, others well, they don't stay with them in the waking hours, but you can be rest assured whether you remember them or not everyone dreams.....they can be a source of comfort or angst depending on how you deal with them and the information they bring you. I myself have had prophetic dreams my entire life, as far back as I can remember my dreams have shown me the way, they have been a source of connection with ancestors and Gods, messengers from other realms have come to me, dreams have shown me where I need to heal, and the symbolism of them is never lost on me.

If your dreams cause angst then you need to work on them, sit and work out what your symbolism is, this is not an easy thing, its an everyday thing...its a notebook by your bed, its writing each morning what you dreamt, the surroundings, what you were doing, how you felt, who was there....I started to learn my symbolism in my dreams as I grew up, it is now a part of me and I can dissect a dream almost instantly when I hear it or when I wake up, I have even had lucid moments in dreams where I work it out as I am dreaming and wake up knowing what it was all about. Here is the thing though that I would like to explain, and yes this is my thought so you can take it or leave it, but I think symbolism is something that is very personal and individual.....I think you need to figure out what things mean for you, I mean you can go out and buy 2, 3 or 1000 books on dream symbolism there are a multitude of them but I truly believe they will serve you no help while you do not know what symbols or things really mean to you....for instance when I see water in a dream I know it means tears, when I see blood depending on if it is mine or someone else's it could be a good thing or a very bad one, but these again are symbols I have learnt myself through the years.

Once you can sit and dissect your dreams without being overwhelmed you will be able to see what the messages are and why they are coming through, but there will still be times where your humanness will affect you, do not think it won't......this week I had a recurring dream where my husband has passed on, the first time I had this dream it took me months to get over, every time he went anywhere I worried, I made him go and have a physical to check his heart, I must have drove him crazy....this time I had the dream this week actually and I had a moment, I felt the fear, the crushing grief and the sadness and loneliness in the dream, I woke up and could still feel it as he lay next to me, pulling me closer into a snuggle....I let myself feel that pain, and I hugged him closer. I know our lives have been long and good together, and no we aren't getting any younger and with my health where it is these are conversations him and I have had together, facing your own mortality, making plans in case, writing wills, these are all things we are surrounded in at this time, it makes sense that my mind pulls a dream about him, about losing him. Prophetic dream? yes in a way it was, if something were to happen to him I would feel all those things, every single iota of me would vibrate grief, loss, sadness.....but having the dream does not mean it is coming now, it means that I NOW need to remember how I would feel, and love the moment I am in for all it is. You have the power to disarm your dreams the same way, take the message, let the rest go.

Start a dream journal, write them down, compare them from month to month, year to year, find the patterns and the messages from your Deities, they will come through once you make it clear that you are willing to learn this way. I believe that for me it was the dreams that kept me going and many times cushioned the blows that life was going to deal to me. I was prepared for them, both emotionally and physically. As well do not forget that certain times of the year will illicit more poignant, vivid dreams, as will Full, New or Dark Moons, and Eclipses always rupture and shatter things and bring emotions to the surface so expect your dreams to be different, very real and random during them, it is in these moments that the work you have done on your own individual symbolism will come in handy and help you to clear away the noise and get to the root of the message.

Look upon your dreams as another tool in your witchy skill set, when you can harness the knowledge there then you will truly be balanced on both the physical and astral planes, which then can open the door to Astral travel, and yes I have done this, and yes when absolutely needed I will again.

Dreams they have much to tell you, and can you really afford to not pay attention?

Blessings all till next Sunday and the "You Asked the Witch"