30 October 2013

Eyes wide open

Full set Elemental Dragons ~ Image property of A Witch
by any Other Name
When I took on the challenge of making these Elemental Dragon Chalices I really did not realize what I was taking on, not in a bad way either but just in a very cleansing truthful way.  This was not an easy time in my life to do this either.....I mean I have worked and channelled many different spirits, deities and beings, for me this did not start a year or two ago this has been a lifelong work the realities of which have only recently become totally clear to me.  I did not choose an easy life, I accept that now, it was my choice no one else's and this year as I turned the wheel one more time on my own birthday it gave me lots to work out, ponder and sort.  The Dragons well they came at just the perfect time.....

Spirit ~ Image property of A Witch by
any Other Name

Air ~ Image Property of A Witch by
any Other Name
The deeper and deeper I went into myself, the more I found crap I had allowed to get to me, and I call it crap for a reason, because that is exactly what it is.....I found that if I do not kind of police myself and my reactions to things then I tend to internalize them, take them on as my own issues, allow them to influence how I feel about myself....not really anyone else's fault but my own, I allow my voice to be silenced and fall in behind others that are pushier, mouthier and more out there in their opinions than I am.....I had to look at that clearly is it my need to avoid ugliness? is it that I am not strong enough to hold my own? well truthfully neither of these options were right so it meant I had to dig deeper, to the core of why I allow this.....I came up with all kinds of reasons at first, this situation with my son, my need to just sleep the time away, the mundane crap that I deal with on a daily basis but again none of these really fit the bill either.....and then it hit me I just really don't care.  Yep that is it, I just really don't care.

Earth ~ Image property of A Witch
by any Other Name
The Dragons they would not allow me to lie to myself this time and shelving it and moving on to the next one didn't work either, I had to keep looking until I shocked myself with that revelation.  I just do not care what anyone else really thinks, not in a disrespectful way either, I am more than willing to listen to others opinions and absorb what they have to say as long as they present it in a proper and respectful manner, the moment I feel that they are not, or that they are not being truthful with their expression then well I stop caring.  What appears to be me silencing myself and becoming complacent is actually my cutting away method......as a child I learnt that open thoughts of pulling away are punished, viciously and say as you like as adults it is no different.  I have watched as attacks go on all around me in my personal mundane life, religious/spiritual life and even my online life, the attacks because they are between adults are no less vicious than the ones I remember from my childhood.  Yes they are for different reasons, and may not constitute the same type of abuse that I lived through but their end result is the same, someone is hurt, shamed or worse.....and in my honest opinion the whole point of the lesson is lost at that point, but that is what I have learnt in my life it does not mean that it is right for everyone else, but it is for me.  My way is to just stop wasting my breath......As I molded Chaos I was reminded of a moment many years ago that someone asked me why I was allowing someone to make statements that weren't true, vehemently wanted to know why I was not up in arms about it like they were.....my answer then is my answer now, sometimes you have to pick your battles and know when to walk away after all when your words are falling on deaf ears then its time to just let go.

Water ~ Image property of A Witch
by any Other Name

Fire ~ Image property of A Witch
by any Other Name
I am not a wishy washy person, I am kind, but I am not stupid, I am an empath, intuitive, medium and witch, all of these came with me into this incarnation and from the previous ones, I always know, whether I chose to do anything about it is a whole other issue, call that what you will but realize you may not always see what I have done but you will feel it, whether it be by my presence or lack of.......yes I say I learnt alot from those Dragons, but mainly I learnt that I really do like who I am, what I am and what I can do in this world.....another piece of me that I didn't realize was waiting for me to allow it through.  I let go and have ridden the tides and currents for many years, I believe in Spirits guidance, trust in Fire to protect, Water to wash away all that does not merit my presence, Earth to ground me and Air to give me life......Chaos well, Chaos will create just that for all that cross the boundaries because even as the Chalices leave to go to their new home, I know they will never leave me, the Dragons that is, they came to stay for they watched for years too, as I honored them quietly in my own way, not knowing their names, not wondering if I was doing right or wrong but just honored them from the heart..........dramatic shows of powers are really for tv shows, the witch she always knows whats best and her friends are always on watch for those that think otherwise.........afterall being a witch it is common knowledge that intention is really everything....
Chaos ~ Image property of A Witch by
any Other Name

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